When you run a simulation on a DynRisk model, DynRisk produces a file containing the results of the simulation. You can open this file in DynRisk to analyze the results. You can also export the data in ASCII format to other applications, e.g., spreadsheets or statistical packages. This is done by using the “Export…” command in the “File” menu. The first thing you see when you open a result file, is a table. Each row in this table represents a “data node”. You select a data node by clicking its icon. The data node icons are located on the left-hand side of the result table. The set of data nodes included in the result file is determined by the simulation settings used when you produced the results. You will find one data node for each model node where at least one of the “Sim.”, “Crit.” or “Sens.” properties were checked during the simulation. A data node contains the simulation results and statistics for its corresponding model node, and has the same name as this “model node”. Imported data nodes In addition to regular DynRisk simulation data files, you can also open text files containing tables of numerical data. Such imported data files will be interpreted as if they are simulation data files stored in ASCII format. However, the data stored in such a file may just as well be e.g., historical data. To be readable by DynRisk, the imported data file must satisfy the following conditions: 1) The data must be organized as a “rectangular” table. That is, each row in the file must contain the same number of items. 2) Each item in a row must be separated by a single “tab” character. The rows in the table must be separated by a single “return” character. 3) Each column in the table will be interpreted as data associated with a “data node” object. 4) The items in the first row of the table will be interpreted as the names of the “data node” objects. 5) The items below the first row of the table will be interpreted as result values. The first time you open a text file, DynRisk will ask you to enter the number of variables (i.e., the number of columns in the table) and the number of simulations (i.e., the number of rows in the table below the first row).